Wonderful Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

I just wanted to check in for a second.  I will have a new video for you all sometime tomorrow.  I’ve been busy packing up my class project kits.  All I need now is for our order to arrive and I can get these out in the mail to those of you who signed up for my Bloomin’ Love Online Card Class.

P.S.  I thought I would give you an update on my healthier me journey.  Today is Day 3 and it hasn’t been as bad as Day 2 was.  I did a little bit better on the treadmill as well.  I walked for  30 minutes and had 2 one minute running stretches. My goal is do run for 1 minute each day this week while I am walking and then add an a minute to the running stretch each week.  So, next week I will be at two minutes, etc. etc.  I would like to do a 5K in the Spring.  My Plantar acts up a bit but no more than usual.  It might be something I have to deal with forever but I can handle it.  

Have a great night!

Spread the love


  1. Jennifer martin says

    I'm trying my best to get healthier this year. I have 3 races I'm signed up to run at Disney World in April!! I've got some serious training to do before then!!

  2. KSinMT says

    My current demonstrator is rethinking her career this week so I will know soon as to whether or not she is continuing. You are so creative & I love your videos. I would like to be your client. Kathy

  3. Janice Repass says

    I've had two bouts with plantar fasciitis. This second time, it wasn't getting better so I went to an orthopedist specializing in feet, and he did two shots (which were painless and helpful, the exact opposite of what I'd heard) and he also took a mold and had orthotics made. They are perfectly comfortable, and are helping quite a bit. Needless to say, I'm surprised by the success. I hope you can find similar success. It's too painful to just have to live with. Keep up the good work on your fitness program, and on your gorgeous papercrafting!

    • robynstamps says

      Thanks Janice! I've had therapy, treatment, orthotics made, etc. and they all came to the conclusion that I probably needed surgery. I'm trying to avoid that if at all possible. I've heard stretching and yoga helps so I am trying that this time. Wish me luck!

  4. Mindy shapley says

    I so wish I could take one of your card classes I hope you keep designing them and opening up different classes so maybe one of these days I will be able to come up with the class fee. Thanks for all you do.

  5. Anonymous says

    You go girl! Keep up he good work, I know it's hard now but it will be well worth it!!!
    redheadworking at earthlink dot net

  6. Renee Thompson says

    Great job! I need to workout so bad. Love all that you inspire us to do! My goodies are to come in on Monday, hurry up Monday I want to play.

  7. Lori m says

    Congrats on treadmill and adding in the running, great inspiration on the exercise and all the projects and videos you make.
    Hugs, Lori m

  8. BethAnn M says

    Good job, Robyn! The kits look amazing and I can't wait to see what you will be doing with the set. I just ordered mine on Tuesday, and it shipped out yesterday, due to arrive next week. I have an SU demonstrator since prior to your becoming one, but I have been following you since my first Expression in 2009! Love to see the different things we can do with our tools, and you never fail to inspire. Have a great day! Hugs, BethAnn