Friday Night Craziness

Hi Everyone!

I’m posting this on Saturday but it is actually my Friday post!  Lol!  
Today was crazy busy working on my Balloon Celebration Online Class and packaging up some of the packets.

I’ll check in with you later tonight. I have a lot to share!!
Spread the love


  1. Joanna Shoemaker says

    Robyn, I'm sure you outlined it an earlier message, but I can't seem to find it. Can you please describe what the "Friday Night Craziness" class is about, it's cost, etc.? I apologize for any inconvenience and really appreciate your help, thank you! Joanna Shoemaker

  2. KSinMT says

    We made it to our resort in Cabo San Jose today. We have WiFi but cut into your video I was watching, so don't know if I will be able to keep up with you this week. Anyway I love your enthusiasm. Kathy

  3. Beth says

    I am so excited to get this class in the mail and also to hear what the next class will be. You keep me crafty and motivated. Thanks for all you do!!