Finding my place…

Right now I am serving in two different church callings. I am the Beehive Advisor and the Enrichment Leader. I have never had either calling so I am trying to figure them both out. For the Young Women we have “New Beginnings” coming up and for the Relief Society we have the Relief Society Birthday coming up. This is going to be a busy time for me. I’m really excited to find my “place” in these callings. They are both a little different for me. I have a Counselor directly over me and I have to learn to work with them and do what is delegated to me. I just want to do my best. I love both the girls I get to work with and I admire them. They are great role models and I need that.

What I am most excited about right now is making the posters for Relief Society. It is something I can use my Cricut for! I don’t think I’ve ever made a poster for Enrichment. I have done the postcard fliers many times but never something big. This will be a challenge but a fun one.

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  1. Kerry says

    I just got called as enrichment leader as well. It is challenging, but I am looking forward to it. I just had a meeting last night to finalize our plans for our RS birthday activity. We are doing a service auction. It should be fun!