I guess I can spill the beans now because church should be over before anyone in my ward reads this. I am getting released as Young Women’s 1st counselor today. I am being called to be a Young Women Advisor over the Beehives (12 & 13 year olds) AND the Enrichment Leader for our ward. I think that they thought this might give me a little bit of a break but honestly having both of those together will be a lot more work. I am ready for it though. I am finally back to my normal self (whatever that is) and I am getting used to having 5 kids. I was a little sad when the Bishop called me in his office to release me but I know that every calling in the church comes from the Lord and I will do whatever I am asked with a happy heart. After digesting the news I am looking forward to doing the publicity for Enrichment. I have my new little fun machine called the Cricut (pronounced Cricket) and I will be able to make really fun posters with it. I am also looking forward to making the reminder invitations. I also think it will be fun to teach the Beehives 3 Sundays a month. We have 4 new girls coming in the months of March & April, so I will have 5 girls this Spring. The only real difference between the Counselor and Advisor calling is that I am not required to go every Wednesday and to ALL the activities. I will still go to quite a few but I don’t have to. I want to stay very involved with these girls. They are my lifeline. I love them and am having such a great experience being in Young Womens. I guess you could say I am living it for myself since I never had the chance to as a girl. I am also going to be working with them on their Personal Progress and that is great because I am trying to earn my Young Womens Recognition Award, too.
I am going to use today to work on family history…. AKA scrapbooking!!! I just finished our Thanksgiving 2006 page today. I can’t believe I am almost to December of this year. It’s a great feeling. Now I can use more time journaling and writing about memories instead of just trying to get caught up. I’m also available to help anyone with their scrapbooks if they need help. It’s very easy to do!! Come over anytime!!
Well, baby B is very sad and it’s about time for his next feeding. Did I mention how sweet and cute he is???
Awe… Rich told me that your dh mentioned that you were home with 3 sick kiddo’s yesterday too. I just had one at home, and sent three to church with Rich.
I’m glad you are happy about your new calling. I think you will do awesome with the enrichment calling and I’m glad you still get to stay with the YW, but will have a little less that you have to do each week for activities and such.
Your baby is adorable, and I’m sorry your kids are sick! That is absolutely no fun for them or you! I got called to be Beehive advisor in December, and it is way less work than I thought it would be! My third daughter is a beehive, so it is nice to be involved with her. You’ll be great! You always have such a positive attitude.
Awww, your poor little kiddos. They do look very sweet all bundled up though. I hope they all make a speedy recovery and don’t keep you hopping too much. I’m sure you will be awesome at your two new callings. You seem to have the creative talent to really magnify that enrichment calling and I’m glad you get to stay in YW too.