“K” wrote her first talk for Primary yesterday. We did not help her at all. Usually “B” will just write it for her and she’ll just read it. We put her in charge of it and she did great. She will have 1 minute in the Primary Program and they start practicing next week. Here is what she wrote. I didn’t even correct the spelling because she is the only one who will read it…….
“Hi,my name is “K”,and I was chosen to give a talk about Jesus Christ.In Alma 5:27it says”Have ye walked,keeping yourselvs blamles before God?Could ye say, if ye were called to die at this time,within yourselves, that ye have been sufficiently humble?That your garments have been cleansed and made white through the blood of Christ, who will come to redeem his people from their sins?”Jesus was our savoir ,and I want to share a storie about when I got lost in the pool ,well I was swimming in a twister pool with my cosens.We were play tag in the water then suddenly they were gone.I didn’t know what to do,but then I remembered to say a prayer. Then suddenly I found one of my cosens. She looked so sad. I asked her little quetons every single answer was no. I said,”What happened”? She just ignored me and finally she answered I was so shocked of what she said.She said that my cosen hert her feelings.When I got to see my aunt I was so happy because I got to see my cosens again. I want you to know that Hevenly Father answers our prayers,and Jesus and Hevenly Father will lead us to our path that will make our lives joyfull and in the name of Jesus Christ,Amen.”
Can you believe she wrote that all by herself?? I think it is sweet and touching and will help her out in life because this is the first step for formulating her own opinions and ideas. I am so very happy that she is a part of our family!!
That’s so great! I love how you kept all the original spellings when you recorded it. It will be so fun to look back on when she gets older!
Representing the primary presidency, I am so proud of “K”! I love what she has written and the fact that they’re all her own words is exactly what we are hoping for with this program. Even if everything else goes disastrous, we will always remember what the children share!