
Today has seemed like such a long Sunday. I woke up, got ready for church, and then during Sacrament I started having regular strong BH contractions. I was just not myself. I couldn’t even bend over and pick up Thomas when he started throwing a fit during the closing song. By the time we got home today they were 5 minutes apart and pretty strong. I wouldn’t really call them painful but I did have to stop what I was doing and just focus on them. As soon as I walked in the door I took a mag pill,layed on my left side and grabbed a huge glass of water. I ended up drinking 2 huge glasses of water. We were getting pretty worried. I took a 3 hour nap and now they are much better. I really think I overdid it last night. I need to start just taking it easy. My body isn’t the same as it was with my first three pregnancies.

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