I can’t believe it’s the last day of 2006. The only reason why I can’t believe it is because it doesn’t really matter to me. Tomorrow will be just like any other day. I have my family, my health, and all that the Lord has blessed me with. Just because it is a New Year doesn’t make it any different. One thing I do know is that I DO want to get my life organized again but that has nothing to do with it being a new year.
I just finished reading two books about the Old Testament women, Sarah & Rebecah. I have learned so much!! Those were both really strong women and when I think about it, I don’t know if I could ever be that strong. I had a talk with Bryan today about all I learned from them and then he reminded me tonight, as he was leaving to magnify his calling, how I am strong just like those women. I laughed and asked him if I could also have 3 servants to help me with my needs. He looked around at my kids and said “You have 4 servants”. Then off he went. He will be back in a couple of hours and I am NOT going to murmur because I believe he is a very great man and just doing what the Lord needs him to do.
Speaking of husbands, have I mentioned how I have married the BEST one ever?? I am soooo critical of him and complain so much but I wouldn’t trade him for anything, not even the Cuttlebug!! He is my helpmate and my friend. He gets up with the baby in the middle of the night to change a diaper just so I can sleep 4 minutes more before I have to get up to nurse. He cleans the kitchen for me just so I can feel like the house is not a total disaster. But the most important thing to me is that he honors his Priesthood and is a man who serves the Lord. I think I have taken it for granted for the past 10 years but now I see how important it really is to me. Maybe there are many things that he still needs to learn but he is willing.
Those are my thoughts. Love you!!
Click to CommentAs a “mother” life is very busy. I look at my little family and I am so grateful for them. Growing up I could never imagine even having 2 children. I have never really been one with patience. I prayed for patience and Heavenly Father sent me 5 beautiful children. Can I say more??
One thing I learned this year for Christmas is never have a baby right before the holidays. Even though I did my best, it was really hard to be the happy mommy that my family is used to. I have been suffering with the baby blues and a mild form of PPD that this Christmas was really hard for me emotionally. Thankfully I have a WONDERFUL husband who was very helpful with our family traditions. On Christmas Eve I just couldn’t emotionally stand it any longer so I went to bed at 8:00pm. My “Dear” Bryan put the kids to bed, cleaned up the living room, and put out ALL the Christmas gifts, including the ones from Santa. It was nice to not be the one to have to do it this year. I just don’t think I could have physically done it.
Don’t get me wrong, I love Christmas but the real reason we celebrate it is to recognize the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I’m so glad that the commercial part of it is over for our family. My children got WAY too much this year. I went overboard and my mom did, as usual. Bryan and I decided that next year the kids will only get two gifts from us and only ONE from my mom. Then of course they will get their stocking gifts and presents from each other, etc. We just feel that it was way overdone this year. Part of it was because of the new baby. I wanted them to have a really special Christmas morning but what I found was that they were all happy after just opening up a couple of gifts. After that I think they were just overwhelmed.
Just my thoughts.
Click to CommentI feel so blessed to have my family. Sometimes I gripe, complain, get angry, overwhelmed, etc, but I know I would be completely lost without them. This morning a friend from my ward picked up my boys. For some reason I just didn’t want them to go. Right after they were driving away I started bawling and wanted them to come back. I am grateful for the break but I realize now that this is what I love to do. It’s a tough job to raise 5 kids all under the age of 8 but it is what I came to this earth to do. I LOVE my children. Now that I am not pregnant I can think clearly again. My girls are growing up and are so smart. My boys are such joys to be around. I love that they all are learning new things each day. I also love how they all welcomed Brayden into the family with open arms. The entire time I was pregnant I said “our baby” and not “my baby”. I wanted them to know that they are a part of his life as well.
It’s 1:30pm so only 2 1/2 hours until my girls and boys get home. I can’t stand this quiet house. Brayden has been sleeping all morning and just waking up to eat. I know I should take a nap but I just don’t want to right now. I’ll save naps for tomorrow through Monday when Bryan is home to take care of the kids.
I am feeling much better today and able to do some more laundry. Brayden and I are finally getting the nursing thing down to a science. He is the sweetest baby who just started crying so I gotta go!
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