Stampin’ Up!’s Online Extravagana Starts Midnight, November 21st!!!

Happy Sunday Everyone!

I usually don’t post much on Sunday but I wanted you all to be prepared for the HUGE sale that begins at midnight tonight which is actually Monday, November 21st!!


Click HERE to see all the AWESOME deals that are happening!  Some are ONLY for tomorrow and some are ONLY for next week but there are deals all 7 days as well!
(Some are only available for 24 hours!)

Click HERE to place your order!

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  1. deborah says

    I know I was the same as the other girls, waiting up till 12:01 to place that order. I couldn't figure out if some stuff (available only today) would sell out so just to be sure…. It's ok. The next big push isn't till Nov. 28 and that's my birthday so it is perfectly legal to buy stuff, and then December 1 is the first day of the month of Christmas so there you go. Like my logic?? lol Deb Montijo xoxox

  2. Beth says

    Yay! I just placed my order, can't wait! Frosted Medallions was already on my Extravaganza shopping list, so this was perfect timing. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Beth Ann